084B-D044-9mmp Beretta Mod 92 Pistol

First model with heel magazine release. Pistol has a 120mm barrel. 15-round magazine. chequered front & backstraps. smooth walnut grips. single action trigger. Fair to good condition with some loss of finish to frame.

This auction has ended

Bidder Bid amount Bid time
l********a R6825,00 2024-03-12 14:48:30
m****s R6325,00 2024-03-09 07:55:02
p******k R6075,00 2024-03-09 07:37:58
m****s R4075,00 2024-03-09 07:54:52
p******k R3575,00 2024-03-09 07:37:30
Start auction R3575,00 2024-03-09 6:00 am