
The purchase price and all other levies and/or fees are payable in advance. All payments will be affected via EFT The bank account number and other banking details will be reflected on an order/invoice sent to the buyer, stating his full names, identity number with domicilium citandi and the delivery address.

Courier fee quoted by RAM COURIERS payable prior to shipping parcels

In the event of the buyer being unsuccessful in obtaining a license, the purchase price less 15%, handling cost and the storage costs R150-00/ Month pending the application for a license will be refunded to the buyer. (Classic Arms PTY LTD)

If the client does not apply within 3 months the buyer will pay storage fees going back to purchasing date. R150-00/ per month.

If the buyer did apply to the SAPS 9 months storage will be free after which the buyer will pay R150-00 per month

All firearms at Classic Arms PTY LTD are stored at the client’s risk; please obtain insurance for items purchased..

Francois @ Classic Arms

Francois @ Classic Arms

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Francois @ Classic Arms
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